And let's not pretend Substack is exempt from this, either. If you check the settings on your newsletter, you'll see that "Block AI training" is set to "off." If you turn it on, Substack warns you that "this may limit your discoverability on these platforms." So, we've all agreed to train AI with our writing on here, and if you opt out, it seems like you'll be shadow banned or something. I haven't seen much talk about this yet, but I'd be curious to know what the real effects of opting out are.

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I'd be curious to know as well. I've had it blocked since they added the feature, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. And Substack is definitely not exempt — not from the change fatigue thing, nor from the entire social media nosedive (with Notes especially). It's all part of the tech utopia, which, well, I think you know how I feel.

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Amazon Prime removed the movie ELF from our library, mere days before Christmas, even though we had purchased it. I would have thought that violated some kind of contract but apparently it didn't. Bezos was gifted a big imaginary lump of coal from my two young kids!

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